You Know You are Addicted to Blackjack

Blackjack is a very popular game in the casinos all over the world. It is played alone, with friends or in a big group in a casino. So there you are, playing your typical game of blackjack, and you have been playing almost every day since you have discovered blackjack for yourself. There is one problem with this; you have not quite noticed that your spouse has left you, you have no home, and you are playing somewhere on the streets. This is a horrific scenario, but how else will you know that you are truly addicted to blackjack? Here are some pointers by which you definitely will fathom that you are a blackjack addict.

You know you are addicted to blackjack if everything around you has the number twenty-one written on it. Even if it really does not have the number twenty-one, you will imagine it that way in everything you do daily. Your house and lot number is twenty-one. Your age is twenty-one. You have been married for twenty-one years. The number of days without food is twenty-one. The first channel you zap on to on your television is twenty-one. You've guessed it, twenty-one all over.

The second means by which you definitely know you are addicted to blackjack is if you try to figure out how to get the twenty-one. This means you are constantly figuring strategies out in your head on how to beat the odds. In one minute you create a dozen of different strategies on how to beat the other players, and you even try to sabotage the cards.

The third means by which you know that you are a blackjack addict is if you scratch the last penny from your wallet just to get into one game only. Most probably you already are broke and your willingness to play even brings you to unscramble your entire house, or what is left of it, and search the hidden mysterious places for the miracle dime. These places include the seat covers of your couch and underneath them, underneath your carpets and rugs, in the sink, underneath the bed, in the washing machine, and in your freshly dried pockets of your pants. If you are already looking in the garbage can and on the street, then you have hit the all time low, and try to start playing blackjack without money and just for fun.

You know you are a blackjack addict if you think in terms of numbers and talk to everybody using the blackjack terms. You constantly picture the perfect match. You want to marry the queen of spades and mock the Ace of diamonds.

If any of these signs apply to you, just refrain from playing blackjack with real money. It is healthy to have a hobby that you cannot stop thinking about. As long as you do not lose everything you thought you owned.